
What are the Benefits of Choosing HostingRaja for MongoDB Management

MongoDB has become the most popular non-relational database system. Unlike the traditional database management system (DBMS), MongoDB doesn’t use tables to store information. Instead, it uses key-value pairs to store data, making it easier to retrieve documents anytime you want. Basically, if you are planning to work with Big Data applications, MongoDB is the most reliable database system. 

However, if you want to use MongoDB for your Big Data Application, it’ll also be important to choose the right MongoDB server that offers a complete run-time environment for your database. HostingRaja is one such platform that offers fully-functional MongoDB servers for different applications. 

In this guide, we are going to walk you through the benefits of choosing HostingRaja’s MongoDB server and how it can make your database management job much easier. So, without any further ado, let’s get started. 

Benefits of Choosing MongoDB Server from HostingRaja

Available in Different Server Platforms

HostingRaja offers MongoDB in three different server platforms, i.e, VPS Hosting, Cloud Hosting, and Dedicated Server Hosting. All these three platforms are tailored to meet different business requirements. For instance, if you are planning to develop a medium-scale application and don’t want other websites/apps to affect your website’s performance, you can choose VPS Hosting. 

On the other hand, if you’re planning to develop an extensive web app with a plethora of features, you can choose dedicated hosting for your MongoDB server. This way you’ll be the complete owner of the entire server and won’t have to share its resources with anyone else. 

Private Network for MongoDB Clusters

HostingRaja also lets database managers set up a private network for different MongoDB clusters. MongoDB uses clusters to spread different read and write operations across the shards. 

Since there can be multiple read-&-write queries at the same time, setting up a private network will ensure that they get processed without any interruption. This will speed up the entire data retrieval process, delivering an exceptional user experience to the customers.

Quick Backup & Restore

Another advantage of choosing HostingRaja’s MongoDB server is that it offers an easy backup and restore feature. This means if you’re planning to update the database, you can first back up the existing data to keep it secure during the process. This way even if something goes wrong, you’ll be able to get back all the important files easily.  

24×7 Support from Experts

HostingRaja also offers premium support from professional MongoDB experts. Since MongoDB is an advanced database system, you can run into several technical errors while working with it. 

However, when you get the MongoDB server from HostingRaja, you can stay assured that all your technical issues will be resolved instantly. You can contact customer service anytime you want and a technical expert will help you troubleshoot the problem. This is another reason why you should choose your MongoDB server from HostingRaja. 


As compared to other service providers in the market, HostingRaja’s MongoDB Server packages are more affordable. The basic MongoDB server starts from Rs. 3299 per month, which means you’ll be able to get access to all the features without paying a hefty amount. 

Additional Benefits of Choosing MongoDB Server from HostingRaja

Here are a few additional benefits of getting the MongoDB server from HostingRaja. 

  • Free SSL Support with every MongoDB server package
  • PHP Vulnerability Check and Real-Time Malware Injection Scan to keep your database safe
  • Free Website Optimization along with a Vanish Server
  • CSF Firewall for advanced security 
  • HostingRaja also supports multiple MongoDB Versions

So, if you’ve been looking for a reliable and affordable MongoDB server provider, HostingRaja is the right answer.